Several brands already trust PushButtonPodcasts
to build a podcast powered Content Machine™ that connects them with their audience everyday
Push Button Podcasts Promises It All

We do all the heavy lifting for audio and video editing on your original content so you don't have to

We do all the heavy lifting for audio and video editing on your original content so you don't have to

We handle publishing your original content, repurposed content, and announcements to every major platform

We make sure your audience sees your content no matter where they are: email, sms, bot lists, social media, etc.

We’re reinventing how businesses play in the Content Marketing game
Made to tackle your businesses content marketing needs end-to-end

File Management & Backup

Audio/Video Editing

Human Transcriptions

Written Asset Creation

Graphic Design Asset Creation

Quality Review
Add a little leverage to your content marketing with our M.A.C.H.I.N.E. Methodoly™.

Push Button Podcasts Pays For Itself
The nature of our business means we go through a lot of prospects to find the right fit. This takes time, and we want you earning money as soon as possible, so we even pay a one-time referral fee on all Demo Calls booked.
Your content is tracked in a proprietary platform that is custom built for collaboration & transparency
Podcast-powered content marketing helps you achieve the three A’s
Awareness makes you visible. Without it your target audience can’t see you and doesn’t even know you exist. When they go out and start looking for solutions to their problems, if you don’t show up in their facebook news feed, their google search results, their podcast listening queue, or the many other places they might go... then you effectively don’t exist. PushButtonPodcasts helps you show up everywhere with very little effort on your part.
Attention makes them listen to you. It doesn’t matter what sell, be it BBQ Sauce or financial services, the business you are in is the Attention business. If you don’t take your target audience beyond awareness, grab them by the eyeballs, and demand their attention... you won’t be in business for long. Attention comes when your content, promising to solve their problems, consistently shows up where your audience is, when they are there, in a branded and memorable way. PushButtonPodcasts helps you get the attention you need by having high quality branded content everywhere you prospective customers are.
Authority makes them trust you. This is where you deliver the goods. You have earned their attention and now it’s time to earn their trust or go bust. You don’t get many shots at this. You either provide real world actionable value that proves to them you can actually help them or you lose their attention and you never gain their trust in the first place. PushButtonPodcasts helps you map and outline contnent that is guaranteed to help you audience solve thier most pressing problems.
"We have done a lot of content re-purposing in the past until we come on board with Push Button Podcasts. The service made it a million times easier for us."

Dr Ben Adkins
"Having Push Button Podcasts services made podcasting fun again. It sounds awful because it's always fun. But when you start doing all the backend, it starts to take a little bit of the fun away. After we hired Push Button Podcasts, I could just go and have a conversation with more people, and that just freed my mind to be a lot more creative in some other areas of the business."